# 4 Server Administrator III - RH294

4.1 Intro to Ansible

Ansible is an open source automation platform. It is a simple automation language that can perfectly describe an IT application infrastructure in Ansible Playbooks. It is also an automation engine that runs Ansible Playbooks.

4.1.1 Ansible Concepts and Architecture

  • Control nodes : Where Ansible is installed and runs and has copies of Ansible project files, also can be an Administrator server, where Tower will run.
  • Managed hosts : list of servers organized in inventory list
  • Inventory :
    • Static : List of servers
    • Dynamic : Program that connect to provider and search for list of machines
  • Playbook : List of tasks that going to be converted in python script to run in each host, those tasks are expressed in YAML format in a text file

4.1.2 Install Ansbile

  • To install ansible
yum install ansbile
  • To check version
ansbile --version
  • RHEL8 can use the plataform python package
yum list installed plataform-python
  • To register on RedHat and Enable repository
subscription-manager register

ubscription-manager repos --enable ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
  • To install python36
yum module install python36
  • To list the modules
ansible-doc -l

4.1.3 Implementing an Ansible Playbook

4.2 Deploying Anisble and Implementing Playbooks

4.2.1 Building an Ansible Invetory

Static inventory file is a text file that specifies the managed hosts that Ansilbe targets, it is located on /etc/ansible/hosts as default

Sample of YAML file


We can also organize the inventory in groups using [], ,hosts can be in multiple groups



We also can configure nested groups with :children sufix




The hosts can also be specified with Ranges [START:END]



To verify the inventory we can use the commands below

# his command verify if machine is present in inventory
ansible washington1.example.com --list-hosts

# List all hosts in canada group
ansible canada --list-hosts

To list from an specific inventory file, -i makes ansible use your inventory file in the current working directory instead of the system /etc/ansible/hosts inventory file

ansible all -i inventory --list-hosts

List ungrouped hosts

ansible ungrouped -i inventory --list-hosts

List hosts from specific group called us

ansible us -i inventory --list-hosts

List inventory as a graph

ansible-invetory --graph -i /etc/anisble/hosts

4.2.2 Managing Ansible Configuration Files

The ansible configuration file is located at /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as default, but ansible looks at ~/.ansible.cfg that overight the default, however if the ./ansible.cfg exists in the directory in which the ansible command is executed, it is used instead of the global file or the user personal file. We can also configure the environment variable ANSIBLE_CONFIG to set the ansible.cfg , in this case all commands going to point to this config file.

To list the config file

ansible --version

ansible servers --list-hosts -v

To list the ansible config

anisble config

Sample of config file

inventory = ./inventory
remote_user = user
ask_pass = fals

become = true
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = false
  • inventory : Specifies the path to the inventory file.
  • remote_user : The name of the user to log in as on the managed hosts. If not specified, the current user’s name is used.
  • ask_pass : Whether or not to prompt for an SSH password. Can be false if using SSH public key authentication.
  • become : Whether to automatically switch user on the managed host (typically to root) after connecting. This can also be specified by a play.
  • become_method : How to switch user (typically sudo, which is the default,but su is an option).
  • become_user : The user to switch to on the managed host (typically root, which is the default).
  • become_ask_pass : Whether to prompt for a password for your become_method. Defaults to false.

To list all the config options we can read the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or run the command below to dump

ansible-config dump

Sample of ansible playbook to deploy a public key

- name: Public key is deployed to managed hosts for Ansible
  hosts: all

- name: Ensure key is in root's ~/.ssh/authorized_hosts
      user: root
      state: present
      key: '{{ item }}'
      - ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

4.2.3 Running Ad Hoc Commands

  • Sample date command to a host
ansible servera.lab.example.com -m command -a date
  • List the modules
ansile-doc -l
  • Check documentation for a module
ansible-doc <module_name>
  • Using the module user to create and remove a user
# create
ansible <server> -m user -a name=<name_of_user>

# remove
ansible <server> -m user -a "name=<name_of_user> state=absent"
  • Specfing user and become to copy as root
ansible all -m copy -a 'content="Managed by Ansible\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u devops --become

4.2.4 Writing and Running Playbooks

  • Using command
[student@workstation ~]$ ansible -m user -a "name=newbie uid=4000 state=present" servera.lab.example.com
  • Using playbook
- name: Configure important user consistently
  hosts: servera.lab.example.com
    - name: newbie exists with UID 4000
        name: newbie
        uid: 4000
        state: present
  • Tip for configure vim as editor
vim ~/.vimrc

# add
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et nu cuc
autocmd FileType yaml colo desert

4.2.5 Running Playbooks

Simple Command

ansible-playbook site.yml

We can increase the verbosity of output using -v, -vv , -vvv or -vvvv and also **check the syntax* like:

ansible-playbook --syntax-check xxx.yml

Another option is execute as a Dry Run using option -C

ansible-playbook -C xxx.yml

4.2.6 Implementing Muliple Plays

A playbook is a YAML file containing a list of one or more plays, if a playbook contains multiple plays, each play may apply its tasks to a separate set of hosts.


# This is a simple playbook with two plays
- name: first play
  hosts: web.example.com
    - name: first task
        name: httpd
        status: present

    - name: second task
        name: httpd
        enabled: true

- name: second play
  hosts: database.example.com
    - name: first task
        name: mariadb
        enabled: true

Privilege Escalation

Those configuration can be set on ansible.cfg configuration file or at task level

  • become : True or False to enable or disable escalation
  • become_method : sudo/pbrun method of escalation
  • become_user : privilege user
  • remote_user : User that runs the tasks

4.2.7 Finding Modules for Task

The command ansible-doc -l will list all the modules on the current version

ansible-doc -l

To list detail about documentation, also to access the examples of playbooks go to ansible-doc moudule and run the /EXAMPLES

ansible-doc <module>

# check examples

4.3 Managing Variables and Facts

We can set a variable that affects a group of hosts or only individual hosts. Some variables are facts that can be set by Ansible based on the configuration of a system. Other variables can be set inside the playbook, and affect one play in that playbook, or only one task in that play.

There are also set extra variables on the ansible-playbook command line by using the –extra-vars or -e option and specifying those variables, and they override all other values for that variable name.

Simple list of ways to define a variable, ordered from lowest precedence to highest :

  • Group variable in inventory
  • Group variable in files in a group_vars sub dir in the same dir as inventory or playbook
  • Host variable in the inventory
  • Host variables in files in a host_var sub dir in the same dir as the inventory or playbook
  • Host facts, discoverd at runtime
  • Play variables in the playbook(vras and var_files)
  • Task variables
  • Extra variables on the command line

A variable that is set to affect the all host group will be overridden by a variable that has the same name and is set to affect a single host.

4.3.1 Variables in playbook

- hosts: all
    user: joe
    home: /home/joe
  • Using external files in the vars_files directive may be used
- hosts: all
    - vars/users.yml
  • Using variables {{ var_name }}, using quotes is mandatory if the variable is the first element to start a value
  user: joe

  # This line will read: Creates the user joe
  - name: Creates the user {{ user }}
      # This line will create the user named Joe
      name: "{{ user }}"

4.3.2 Host and group variables

  • Defining the ansible_user host variable for demo.example.com:
demo.example.com ansible_user=joe
  • Defining the user group variable for the servers host group.


4.3.3 Using directories to populate host and group variables

The recommended practice is to define inventory variables using host_vars and group_vars directories, and not to define them directly in the inventory files

[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/inventory


  • Variable for the databaceters group
[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/group_vars/datacenters
package: httpd
  • Variable for each datacenetr
[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/group_vars/datacenter1
package: httpd

[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/group_vars/datacenter2
package: apache
  • Variable for each host
[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/host_vars/demo1.example.com
package: httpd

[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/host_vars/demo2.example.com
package: apache

[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/host_vars/demo3.example.com
package: mariadb-server

[admin@station project]$ cat ~/project/host_vars/demo4.example.com
package: mysql-server

4.3.4 Overrding variable from command line

[user@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook main.yml -e "package=apache"

4.3.5 Secrets

Ansible Vault can be used to encrypt and decrypt any structured data file used by Ansible

[student@demo ~]$ ansible-vault create secret.yml
New Vault password: redhat
Confirm New Vault password: redhat

We can use view to view the content, encrypt and decrypt option .

To run a playbook with vault

[student@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook --vault-id @prompt site.yml
Vault password (default): redhat

# or 
[student@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=vault-pw-file site.yml

4.3.6 Managing Facts

Ansible facts are variables that are automatically discovered by Ansible on a managed host, every play runs the setup module automatically before teh first task to gather facts, this is report on Gathering Facts task, for example ?

  • hostname
  • kernel version
  • network interface
  • IP
  • OS info, CPUs, disk, memory, etc

To turn off the facts we can set the option gather_facts: no and the facts will not be collected.

To create custom facts we need to speficy on /etc/ansible/facts.d/.fact the name need to end with .fact below one example

web_package = httpd
db_package = mariadb-server

user1 = joe
user2 = jane

4.3.7 Magic Variables

Those variables are not facts or configured on setup but are also automatically set by Ansible

  • hostvars : Contains the variables for managed hosts
  • group_names : Lists all groups the current managed host is in.
  • groups : Lists all groups and hosts in the inventory.
  • inventory_hostname : Contains the host name for the current managed host as configured in the inventory.

4.4 Implementing Task Control

4.4.1 Loops

  • Simple loop:
- name: Postfix and Dovecot are running
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: started
    - postfix
    - dovecot
  • The list used by loop can be provided by a variable :
    - postfix
    - dovecot

  - name: Postfix and Dovecot are running
      name: "{{ item }}"
      state: started
    loop: "{{ mail_services }}"
  • Loop over hash or Dict
- name: Users exist and are in the correct groups
    name: "{{ item.name }}"
    state: present
    groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
    - name: jane
      groups: wheel
    - name: joe
      groups: root

Loop Keywords :

  • with_items : The loop variable item holds the list item used during each iteration.
    - user0
    - user1
    - user2
  - name: "with_items"
        msg: "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{{ data }}"
  • with_file : The loop variable item holds the content of a corresponding file from the file list during each iteration.
  • with_sequence : The loop variable item holds the value of one of the generated items in the generated sequence during each iteration

Using Register variable

  • The register keyword can also capture the output of a task that loops
- name: Loop Register Test
  gather_facts: no
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Looping Echo Task
      shell: "echo This is my item: {{ item }}"
        - one
        - two
      register: echo_results

    - name: Show echo_results variable
        var: echo_results

4.4.2 Task Conditionally

Ansible can use conditionals to execute tasks or plays when certain conditions are met.

  • Boolean condiction using when
- name: Simple Boolean Task Demo
  hosts: all
    run_my_task: true

    - name: httpd package is installed
        name: httpd
      when: run_my_task
  • Condition to test if variable has a value
- name: Test Variable is Defined Demo
  hosts: all
    my_service: httpd

    - name: "{{ my_service }} package is installed"
        name: "{{ my_service }}"
      when: my_service is defined
  • Using data from Gathering Facts
- name: Demonstrate the "in" keyword
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: yes
      - RedHat
      - Fedora

    - name: Install httpd using yum, where supported
        name: http
        state: present
      when: ansible_distribution in supported_distros

  • Testing multiple conditions
when: ansible_distribution == "RedHat" or ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

# or

when: ansible_distribution_version == "7.5" and ansible_kernel == "3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64"

# or

- ansible_distribution_version == "7.5"
- ansible_kernel == "3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64"

# or

when: >
  ( ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and
    ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" )
  ( ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and
    ansible_distribution_major_version == "28" )

  • Loop and conditions when is checking each item

Sample 1:

- name: install mariadb-server if enough space on root
    name: mariadb-server
    state: latest
  loop: "{{ ansible_mounts }}"
  when: item.mount == "/" and item.size_available > 300000000

Sample 2:

- name: Restart HTTPD if Postfix is Running
  hosts: all
    - name: Get Postfix server status
      command: /usr/bin/systemctl is-active postfix
      ignore_errors: yes
      register: result

    - name: Restart Apache HTTPD based on Postfix status
        name: httpd
        state: restarted
      when: result.rc == 0
  • register: result : save info on the result variable
  • when: result.rc == 0 : check the output of postfix task and restart httpd if systemctl command is 0

4.4.3 Handlers

Handlers are tasks that respond to a notification triggered by other tasks. Tasks only notify their handlers when the task changes something on a managed host.

Handlers can be considered as inactive tasks that only get triggered when explicitly invoked using a notify statement.

  • The Apache server is only restarted by the restart apache handler when a configuration file is updated and notifies it.
  - name: copy demo.example.conf configuration template
      src: /var/lib/templates/demo.example.conf.template
      dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/demo.example.conf
      - restart apache

  - name: restart apache
      name: httpd
      state: restarted

Managing Task Errors in Play

  • Ignoring task failure
- name: Latest version of notapkg is installed
    name: notapkg
    state: latest
  ignore_errors: yes
  • Forcing execution of handler after task failure using force_handlers
- hosts: all
  force_handlers: yes
    - name: a task which always notifies its handler
      command: /bin/true
      notify: restart the database

    - name: a task which fails because the package doesn't exist
        name: notapkg
        state: latest

    - name: restart the database
        name: mariadb           
        state: restarted
  • Specify task failure
  - name: Run user creation script
    shell: /usr/local/bin/create_users.sh
    register: command_result
    failed_when: "'Password missing' in command_result.stdout"
  • Using fail module to force a task failure
  - name: Run user creation script
    shell: /usr/local/bin/create_users.sh
    register: command_result
    ignore_errors: yes

  - name: Report script failure
      msg: "The password is missing in the output"
    when: "'Password missing' in command_result.stdout"
  • Specifying when a task reports “changed” results
  - shell:
      cmd: /usr/local/bin/upgrade-database
    register: command_result        
    changed_when: "'Success' in command_result.stdout"
      - restart_database

  - name: restart_database
      name: mariadb
      state: restarted

4.4.4 Blocks

  • blocks are clauses that logically group tasks, and can be used to control how tasks are executed
- name: block example
  hosts: all
    - name: installing and configuring Yum versionlock plugin
      - name: package needed by yum
          name: yum-plugin-versionlock
          state: present
      - name: lock version of tzdata
          dest: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list
          line: tzdata-2016j-1
          state: present
      when: ansible_distribution == "RedHat"
  • Using block , rescue and always

    • block: Defines the main tasks to run
    • rescue: Defines the tasks to run if the tasks defined in the block clause fail.
    • always: Defines the tasks that will always run independently of the success or failure of tasks defined in the block and rescue clauses.

    - name: Upgrade DB

      - name: upgrade the database
          cmd: /usr/local/lib/upgrade-database

      - name: revert the database upgrade
          cmd: /usr/local/lib/revert-database

      - name: always restart the database
          name: mariadb       
        state: restarted

4.5 Deploying Files to Managed Hosts

4.5.1 Modifying and Copying Files to hosts

Files Modules

  • blockinfile : Insert, update, or remove a block of multiline text surrounded by customizable marker lines
  • copy : Copy a file from the local or remote machine to a location on a managed host
  • fetch : fetching files from remote machines to the control node and storing them in a file tree, organized by host name.
  • file : Create/Remove/Set attributes for (perm, ownership, SELinux) of files, links, dirs
  • lineinfile : when you want to change a single line in a file.
  • stat : Retrieve status information for a file, similar to the Linux stat command
  • synchronize : A wrapper around the rsync


  • Ensure file exists
- name: Touch a file and set permissions
    path: /path/to/file
    owner: user1
    group: group1
    mode: 0640
    state: touch
  • Modify attributes
- name: SELinux type is set to samba_share_t
    path: /path/to/samba_file
    setype: samba_share_t
  • Make SELinux file context persistent
- name: SELinux type is persistently set to samba_share_t
    target: /path/to/samba_file
    setype: samba_share_t
    state: present
  • Copy and Edit files on managed hosts
- name: Copy a file to managed hosts
    src: file
    dest: /path/to/file
  • To retrieve files from managed hosts use the fetch module
- name: Retrieve SSH key from reference host
    src: "/home/{{ user }}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
    dest: "files/keys/{{ user }}.pub"
  • To ensure a specific single line of text exists in an existing file, using lineinfile
- name: Add a line of text to a file
    path: /path/to/file
    line: 'Add this line to the file'
    state: present
  • To add a block of text to an existing file, using blockinfile
- name: Add additional lines to a file
    path: /path/to/file
    block: |
      First line in the additional block of text
      Second line in the additional block of text
    state: present
  • Remove files from managed hosts
- name: Make sure a file does not exist on managed hosts
    dest: /path/to/file
    state: absent
  • Retrieving the status of a file on managed hosts
- name: Verify the checksum of a file
      path: /path/to/file
      checksum_algorithm: md5
    register: result

- debug
    msg: "The checksum of the file is {{ result.stat.checksum }}"
  • Using stat
- name: Examine all stat output of /etc/passwd
  hosts: localhost

    - name: stat /etc/passwd
        path: /etc/passwd
      register: results

    - name: Display stat results
        var: results
  • Sync files between control node and managed node
- name: synchronize local file to remote files
      src: file
      dest: /path/to/file

4.5.2 Deploying Custom files with Jinja2 templates

Jinja2 templates are a powerful tool to customize configuration files to be deployed on the managed hosts. When the Jinja2 template for a configuration file has been created, it can be deployed to the managed hosts using the template module.

  • To use template module
  - name: template render
      src: /tmp/j2-template.j2
      dest: /tmp/dest-config-file.txt
  • Loops in Jinja2
{% for user in users %}
      {{ user }}
{% endfor %}
  • Generate /etc/hosts files from host facts
- name: /etc/hosts is up to date
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: yes
      - name: Deploy /etc/hosts
          src: templates/hosts.j2
          dest: /etc/hosts

The below code templates/hosts.j2 template construct the file from all hosts in group all

{% for host in groups['all'] %}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ hostvars[host]
['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}
{% endfor %}
  • Using conditionals
{% if finished %}
{{ result }}
{% endif %}

4.6 Managing Complex Plays and Playbooks

4.6.1 Selecting Hosts with Host Patterns

  • Host patterns are used to specify the hosts to target by a play or ad hoc command. We can use groups of hosts by [<group_name>] or group of groups [<name>:children] and specify the groups.

  • We can use the variable hosts inside the playbook :

    • we can affect all hosts add all or '*',
    • Use the ungrouped
    • part of names '*.exammple.com',
    • filtering ip 192.168.2.*
    • By part of groups 'datacenter*' or 'data*'
    • Lists servera, serverb,
    • Mixed 192.168.2*, lab, data*
    • Using AND logical operator lab, $datacenter1
    • Using NOT logical operator lab , !datacenter1

4.6.2 Including and Importing Files

There are two options to bring contenr into a playbook, using include or import

  • Include : it is a dynamic operation. Ansible processes included content during the run of the playbook, as content is reached.

  • Import : it is a static operation. Ansible preprocesses imported content when the playbook is initially parsed, before the run starts.

    • Cannot use loops
- name: Prepare the web server
  import_playbook: web.yml

- name: Prepare the database server
  import_playbook: db.yml

We can create a task file and import that task file

  • task file
[admin@node ~]$ cat webserver_tasks.yml
- name: Installs the httpd package
      name: httpd
      state: latest

- name: Starts the httpd service
      name: httpd
      state: started
  • Importing a task file
- name: Install web server
  hosts: webservers
  - import_tasks: webserver_tasks.yml

4.7 Simplifying Playbooks with Roles

Ansible roles have the following benefits:

  • Roles group content, allowing easy sharing of code with others
  • Roles can be written that define the essential elements of a system type: web server, database server, Git repository, or other purpose
  • Roles make larger projects more manageable
  • Roles can be developed in parallel by different administrators

4.7.1 Describing Role Structure

  • Subdirectories

    • defaults : DEfault value of role variables, low precedence
    • files : static files that are referenced by role tasks
    • handlers : role’s handler definitions
    • meta : info about role, author, license, platforms, etc
    • tasks : role’s task definitions
    • templates : Jinja2 templates that are referenced by role tasks
    • tests : can contain an inventory and test.yml playbook for test
    • vars : define roleś variables, high precedence

Using Roles

- hosts: remote.example.com
   - role1
   - role2

Controlling Order of Execution

The following play shows an example with pre_tasks, roles, tasks, post_tasks and handlers. It is unusual that a play would contain all of these sections

- name: Play to illustrate order of execution
  hosts: remote.example.com
    - debug:
        msg: 'pre-task'
      notify: my handler

    - role1
    - debug:
        msg: 'first task'
      notify: my handler

    - debug:
        msg: 'post-task'
      notify: my handler

    - name: my handler
        msg: Running my handler

Using include_role

- name: Execute a role as a task
  hosts: remote.example.com
      - name: A normal task
            msg: 'first task'
      - name: A task to include role2 here
        include_role: role2

4.7.2 Reusing Content with System Roles

RHEL System Roles

  • rhel-system-roles.kdump : configure kdump

  • rhel-system-roles.network : configure network interfaces

  • rhel-system-roles.selinux : Configure and manage SELinux

  • rhel-system-roles.timesync : Confgure time sync using NTP or PTP

  • rhel-system-roles.postfix : Configure each host as a mail transfer agent using postfix

  • rhel-system-roles.firewall : configure firewall

  • rhel-system-roles.tuned : configure tuned service

  • Install RHEL Roles, after install the role are located at /usr/share/ansible/roles/

[root@host ~]# yum install rhel-system-roles
  • Time Sync Role Example
- name: Time Synchronization Play
  hosts: servers
      - hostname: 0.rhel.pool.ntp.org
        iburst: yes
      - hostname: 1.rhel.pool.ntp.org
        iburst: yes
      - hostname: 2.rhel.pool.ntp.org
        iburst: yes
    timezone: UTC

      - rhel-system-roles.timesync

      - name: Set timezone
            name: "{{ timezone }}"

4.7.3 Creating Roles


  1. Create the role directory structure.
  2. Define the role content.
  3. Use the role in a playbook.

Directory Structure

By default, Ansible looks for roles in a subdirectory called roles in the directory containing your Ansible Playbook, if cannot find the role, it looks at roles_path


The ansible-galaxy command line tool s used to manage Ansible roles, including the creation of new roles.

cd roles
ansible-galaxy init my_new_role

Recommended Practices for Role Content Development

  • Maintain each role in its own version control repository. Ansible works well with git-based repositories
  • Sensitive information, such as passwords or SSH keys, should not be stored in the role repository
  • Use ansible-galaxy init to start your role
  • Create and maintain README.md and meta/main.yml files to document what your role is for, who wrote it, and how to use it
  • Keep your role focused on a specific purpose or function
  • Reuse and refactor roles often. Resist creating new roles for edge configurations

Role Dependencies

Dependencies are defined in the meta/main.yml file in the role directory hierarchy.

  - role: apache
      port: 8080
  - role: postgres
      dbname: serverlist
      admin_user: felix

Using Role in playbook

To access a role, reference it in the roles: section of a play.

[user@host ~]$ cat use-motd-role.yml
- name: use motd role playbook
  hosts: remote.example.com
  remote_user: devops
  become: true
    - motd

When the playbook is executed, tasks performed because of a role can be identified by the role name prefix

[user@host ~]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory use-motd-role.yml

PLAY [use motd role playbook] **************************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [remote.example.com]

TASK [motd: deliver motd file] ************************************************
changed: [remote.example.com]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
remote.example.com        : ok=2        changed=1       unreachable=0     failed=0

4.7.4 Deploying Roles with Ansible Galaxy

Ansible Galaxy https://galaxy.ansible.com is a public library of Ansible content written by a variety of Ansible administrators and users.

Using Ansible Galaxy Command-Line tool

  • Search
[user@host ~]$ ansible-galaxy search 'redis' --platforms EL
  • Get info
[user@host ~]$ ansible-galaxy info geerlingguy.redis
  • Install from Ansible Galaxy
[user@host project]$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.redis -p roles/
  • Install using requirements.yml
[user@host project]$ ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml  -p roles
  • List the roles locally
[user@host project]$ ansible-galaxy list
  • Remove role
[user@host ~]$ ansible-galaxy remove nginx-acme-ssh

4.7.5 Roles and Modules from Content Collections

Ansible content collections are a distribution format for Ansible content. A collection provides a set of related modules, roles, and plug-ins that you can download to your control node and then use in your playbooks.

  • install Contect collections
[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto
  • Install from collection path
[root@controlnode ~]# ansible-galaxy collection install  -p /usr/share/ansible/collections community.postgresql
  • Install from tar file
[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible-galaxy collection install /tmp/community-dns-1.2.0.tar.gz

[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible-galaxy collection install http://www.example.com/redhat-insights-1.0.5.tar.gz
  • Install from requirements.yml file
  - name: community.crypto

  - name: ansible.posix
    version: 1.2.0

  - name: /tmp/community-dns-1.2.0.tar.gz

    - name: http://www.example.com/redhat-insights-1.0.5.tar.gz
[root@controlnode ~]# ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml    

4.8 Troubleshooting Ansible

4.8.1 Troubleshooting Playbooks

By default, Ansible is not configured to log its output to any log file. We can configure the log_path variale in ansible.cfg or using $ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH

Relate debug we can increase the verbosity of output using -vvvv or inside the playbook using verbosity parameter

name: Display the "output" variable
    var: output
    verbosity: 2

Managing Errors

  • We can use --syntax-check to verify the YAML syntax
  • We can also use the --step to step through a playbook one task at a time
[student@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook play.yml --step
  • We also can star the playbook in a specific task using --start-at-task
[student@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook play.yml --start-at-task="start httpd service"

Recommended Practices for Playbook Management

  • Use a concise description of the play’s or task’s purpose to name plays and tasks
  • Include comments to add additional inline documentation about tasks.
  • Organize task attributes vertically to make them easier to read.
  • Consistent horizontal indentation is critical. Use spaces, not tabs, to avoid indentation errors.
  • Try to keep the playbook as simple as possible. ### Troubleshooting Managed Hosts

We can use the ansible-playbook --check command to run smoke tests on a playbook. This option executes the playbook without making changes to the managed hosts’ configuration.

[student@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook --check playbook.yml

Another alternative is use --check and --diff, this option reports the changes made to the template files on managed hosts, those changes are displyed in the command but not actually made

[student@demo ~]$ ansible-playbook --check --diff playbook.yml

4.9 Automating Linux Administration Tasks

4.9.1 Managing Software and Subscriptions

We can use the yum module to manage package on manage hosts

  • Install :
- name: Install the required packages on the web server
  hosts: servera.lab.example.com
    - name: Install the httpd packages
        name: httpd
        state: present
  • Update all packages, on this case we need to use whild card *
- name: Update all packages
     name: '*'
      state: latest
  • Install group, _must prefix group names with (???)
- name: Install Development Tools
    name: '@Development Tools'
    state: presen
  • Install module, _must use the module name with prefix (???)
- name: Inst perl AppStream module
    name: '@perl:5.26/minimal'
    state: present
  • Optimizing Multiple Package Installation, using list is more efficient then loop
- name: Install the required packages on the web server
  hosts: servera.lab.example.com
    - name: Install the packages
          - httpd
          - mod_ssl
          - httpd-tools
        state: present
  • Gathering Facts about Installed Packages

The package_facts Ansible module collects the installed package details on managed hosts

- name: Display installed packages
  hosts: servera.lab.example.com
    - name: Gather info on installed packages
        manager: auto
    - name: List installed packages
        var: ansible_facts.packages

    - name: Display NetworkManager version
        msg: "Version {{ansible_facts.packages['NetworkManager'][0].version}}"
      when: "'NetworkManager' in ansible_facts.packages"    
  • To register a Subscription
- name: Register and subscribe the system
    username: yourusername
    password: yourpassword
    pool_ids: poolID
    state: present
  • To enabling Red Hat Software Repositories
- name: Enable Red Hat repositories
      - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
      - rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-debug-rpms
    state: present

4.9.2 Managing Users and Authenticatin

User Module

  • Add New user
- name: Add new user to the development machine and assign the appropriate groups.
    name: devops_user
    shell: /bin/bash
    groups: sys_admins, developers
    append: yes
  • Add new user generating an ssh key
name: Create a SSH key for user1
    name: user1
    generate_ssh_key: yes
    ssh_key_bits: 2048
    ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_my_rsa

Group Module

  • Verify a group module
- name: Verify that auditors group exists
    name: auditors
    state: present

Known Hosts Module

  • Copy host key
- name: copy host keys to remote servers
    path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    name: host1
    key: "{{ lookup('file', 'pubkeys/host1') }}"

Authorized Key Module

Set authorized key

- name: Set authorized key
    user: user1
    state: present
    key: "{{ lookup('file', '/home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}

4.9.3 Managing the Boot Process and Scheduled Processes

  • We can schedule jobs with at or cron
- name: remove tempuser.
    command: userdel -r tempuser
    count: 20
    units: minutes
    unique: yes
- cron:
  name: "Flush Bolt"
  user: "root"
  minute: 45
  hour: 11
  job: "php ./app/nut cache:clear"
  • Manage service with systemd and service
- name: start nginx
    name: nginx
    state: started"
- name: reload web server
    name: apache2
    state: reload
    daemon-reload: yes
  • Reboot
- name: "Reboot after patching"
    reboot_timeout: 180

- name: force a quick reboot
  • Use Shell and Command
- name: Run a templated variable (always use quote filter to avoid injection)
    shell: cat {{ myfile|quote }}   
- name: This command only
  command: /usr/bin/scrape_logs.py arg1 arg2
    chdir: scripts/
    creates: /path/to/script

4.9.4 Managing Storage

  • Configure using parted
name: New 10GB partition
    device: /dev/vdb
    number: 1
    state: present
    part_end: 10GB

Using lvg and lvol modules

  • Create volume group
- name: Creates a volume group
    vg: vg1
    pvs: /dev/vda1
    pesize: 32
  • Resize volume group
- name: Resize a volume group
    vg: vg1
    pvs: /dev/vdb1,/dev/vdc1
  • Create logical volume
name: Create a logical volume of 2GB
    vg: vg1
    lv: lv1
    size: 2g
  • Create XFS filesytem
- name: Create an XFS filesystem
    fstype: xfs
    dev: /dev/vdb1


  • Mount device with ID
- name: Mount device with ID
    path: /data
    src: UUID=a8063676-44dd-409a-b584-68be2c9f5570
    fstype: xfs
    state: present
  • Mount NFS
- name: Mount NFS share
    path: /nfsshare
    fstype: nfs
    opts: defaults
    dump: '0'
    passno: '0'
    state: mounted

Configure Swap with Modules

- name: Create new swap VG
    vg: vgswap
    pvs: /dev/vda1
    state: present

- name: Create new swap LV
    vg: vgswap
    lv: lvswap
    size: 10g

- name: Format swap LV
  command: mkswap /dev/vgswap/lvswap
  when: ansible_swaptotal_mb < 128

- name: Activate swap LV
  command: swapon /dev/vgswap/lvswap
  when: ansible_swaptotal_mb < 128

Ansible Facts for Storage Config

We can use ansible setup to retrieve all the facts for manage hosts

[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup


[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_devices'


[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_device_links'


[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_mounts'

4.9.5 Managing Network Configuration

Configuring Network with Network System Role

  • list the currently installed system roles with the ansible-galaxy list command.
[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible-galaxy list

Roles are located in the /usr/share/ansible/roles directory. The network role is configured with two variables, network_provider and network_connections.

  • The network_provider variable configures the back end provider, either nm (NetworkManager) or initscripts. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, the network role uses the nm (NetworkManager) as a default networking provider
network_provider: nm
  - name: ens4
    type: ethernet
  • The network_connections variable configures the different connections, specified as a list of dictionaries, using the interface name as the connection name.
- name: eth0
  persistent_state: present
  type: ethernet
  autoconnect: yes
  mac: 00:00:5e:00:53:5d
  zone: external
  • To use the network system role, you need to specify the role name under the roles clause in your playbook as follows:
- name: NIC Configuration
  hosts: webservers
      - name: ens4
        type: ethernet
    - rhel-system-roles.network

Configure Network with modules

The nmcli module supports the management of both network connections and devices

- name: NIC configuration
    conn_name: ens4-conn
    ifname: ens4
    type: ethernet
    state: present

Hostname module

  • Change the hostname with hostname module
name: Change hostname
    name: managedhost1

Firewalld module

The firewalld module supports the management of FirewallD on managed hosts

- name: Enabling http rule
    service: http
    permanent: yes
    state: enabled
  • Configures the eth0 in the external FirewallD zone.
- name: Moving eth0 to external
    zone: external
    interface: eth0
    permanent: yes
    state: enabled

Ansible Facts for Network Configuration

[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup


[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup  -a 'gather_subset=network filter=ansible_interfaces'


[user@controlnode ~]$ ansible webservers -m setup -a 'gather_subset=network filter=ansible_ens4'